Real-Life Applications of Fractals
Applications of Fractals: Fractals are complex geometric shapes that exhibit self-similarity at different scales. They are generated by repeating a simple process iteratively resulting in intricate and fascinating patterns. The Fractals have found numerous applications across various fields due to their unique properties and visual appeal....
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Real-life applications of network theory
Network theory is the field of study which deals with how networks function, how they are structured, and how connections between different elements influence their behavior and properties....
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Uses of Ratio and Proportion in Real-life
Ratio and Proportion are two fundamental concepts in mathematics that find extensive applications in various aspects of our daily lives. From cooking to construction, finance to fitness, understanding and utilizing ratios and proportions enable us to make informed decisions, solve problems efficiently, and analyze situations effectively....
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Real Life Applications of Pie Chart
Pie charts are used in various aspects of our life, they are used in business analysis, used in mathematical modeling, used to represent large data, and others. For examples, showing percentages of types of customers, percentage of revenue from different products, and profits from different categories, etc. are easily shown using pie charts....
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Real Life Applications of Bayes’ Theorem
Bayes’ Theorem is a mathematical formula used to update the probabilities of hypotheses based on new evidence or information. It calculates the likelihood of an event occurring given the probability of another related event. It helps us make better guesses about the world based on the information we already have. In this article, we are going to learn about some real-life applications of Bayes’ Theorem....
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Applications of Electromagnetic Spectrum
Electromagnetic spectrum includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Each type of radiation has different frequencies and wavelengths. These waves carry energy and can travel through a vacuum at the speed of light. They play a very important role in various fields like communication, medicine, technology, etc. In this article, we are going to learn some of the most common applications of electromagnetic spectrum in real life....
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Applications of Heat
Heat is a form of energy that moves between objects due to temperature differences, causing them to become warmer or cooler. It is measured in calories or joules. In this article, we will learn the various real-life applications of Heat....
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Real Life Application of Rolle’s Theorem
A foundational idea in calculus, Rolle’s Theorem provides the framework for comprehending the behaviour of continuous functions. This theorem is named after French mathematician Michel Rolle and works for continuous functions....
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Uses of Magnets
Magnets are materials that have magnetic properties and they attract and repel other magnetic material. Magnets have various uses in our life, such as they are used in motors, inverters, and other electrical equipment, they are used for medical purposes, have industrial applications and others....
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Real Life Applications of Polyester
Polyester is a synthetic polymer composed of repeating ester functional groups. It has numerous real-life applications across various industries due to its versatility, durability, and affordability. It is widely used a synthetic fabric to make clothes and also used to make bottles and other daily use objects. In this article, we will learn in detail about various real life applications of Polyester....
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Uses of Carboxylic Acid
Carboxylic acid is a type of organic compound that is characterized by the presence of at least one carboxyl group (-COOH) in its molecule. They are known for their distinctive odors. They are found in many biological and synthetic substances. In this article, we are going to learn the various uses of Carboxylic Acid in Daily Life....
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Real-Life Applications of Numerical Analysis
Numerical analysis is the study of algorithms that solve mathematical problems numerically. It is a powerful tool in many fields. From weather forecasting to financial markets, it has many applications. Engineers use it to design safer buildings and vehicles....
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